Monday, October 4, 2010

Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake

I love baking chiffon cakes, mainly because everyone in my family enjoys eating it.

My Dad only eats chiffon cakes and sponge cakes (usually the type we consider “traditional” cake). My Sis is a picky eater and she watches what she eats but whenever I bake chiffon cakes, she is sure to eat them. My nephews love chiffon cakes too – one of them gobbled up almost half of the cake. O.O
As for Mum, she loves and eat everything I baked (she’s my tester – though I think she is too nice to say anything bad about my baking)

All of us love the soft fluffiness of the cake. My Sis and Dad says that chiffon cakes are light and they like the “airiness” of the cake, thus they won’t feel “jelak” (cloy) after eating more than a slice.

I had been baking pandan chiffon cake for the past few weeks but since I have some cream cheese left, I decided to try the "Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake" that I copied from Beachloverkitchen long ago.'

"Cream Cheese Chiffon Cake" from Beachlover:

1/2 cup milk

4 oz cream cheese,room temperature
3 tbsp butter,softened

1 cup cake flour,sifted
5 large eggs yolk
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt

5 large white eggs
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cream tartar


1. Combine all (A) in double boiler, cook until it's thicken and cooperate together. Set aside to cool down or if you are in rush bath with ice cold water to cool down.

2. Preheat oven to 325 degree F (163 degree C).

3. Sieve all the (B) ingredients in a mixing bowl (except eggs) until well combined.

4. Mix and beat ingredients (B) until well blended and then add in ingredient (A), whisk until smooth.

5. Beat ingredient (C) in mixer on high speed until still peak and glossy. It should not fall out when you turn the mixing bowl over. Fold 1/3 of the egg whites into the egg yolks mixture and continue to do so until egg whites is finish. Remember to fold in gently until well mixed.Do not beat!!
6. Pour batter into an ungreased 10” tube pan and bake for 45-55 minutes or used a bamboo skewer to test the cake. Just insert the skewer into the center of the cake and it should come out clean.

7. Invert cake and let it cool completely in pan. When it is cool, loosen the edge of the pan with knife and remove cake.

Mum and Sis love the cake. Even Dad that don't eat anything with cheese flavor decided to give it a try and like it.

The cheese flavor is just right (more to the subtle side but I think it is perfect for a chiffon cake). It's soft, moist, and fluffy. The recipe is definitely a keeper!


  1. Jet, I baked cream cheese chiffon recently too but not successful,I have no luck on chiffon cake :(. yours look so nice!

  2. Thank you, Jess. Don't give up! Keep trying and I am sure your chiffon cake will turn out as perfect as your other baked goodies.

  3. Hi Jet, thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog and with lots of baking going on here too. I love your cream cheese chiffon. Sounds luscious! Bookmarked the recipe for later use. Thank you for sharing and have a nice day. Hope to hear from you more often.
    Cheers, Kristy

  4. Nice chiffon cake. Thanks for sharing the recipe :D

  5. Kritsy, thank you for dropping by too. I've actually been lurking around your "little space" for some time. Hahaha.

    Zoe, thank you for dropping by. You can always check out Beachlover Kitchen's, her's is much more nicer.

  6. Hi Jet, I love chiffon cake and of course cheese is my favorite too! I will bookmark this, if you don't mind :))

  7. Hi Anncoo, thanks for dropping by. You have to try this recipe since you love chiffon cake and cheese! Hope you will enjoy the cake as much as my family and I did. :D


Thank you for stopping by. ^^