Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yokohama, Japan (2010)

Our trip to Yokohama, Japan's second largest city. Our main destination - Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum.

Yamashita Park
Goddess of Water, Yokohama Marine Tower, and Hikawa Maru ship.

Try the manju!

Admisison fee for adults are 300 yen, but print out the promotion from the website or use the coupons from brochure/map (can't remember which) and you'll get 50 yen off. 
Inside, it's the recreation of Tokyo's old town (around 1958). There are 9 ramen restaurants, each from different region of Japan. Besides that, there are old-style bar and a few stalls selling traditional snacks and food.

We targeted a few restaurants but ended up trying two only. D= Partly because we kept eating on our way here - our "light" breakfast and while walking around Chinatown - and partly because of the long queue.
You'll have to purchase the tickets for your order(s) from the vending machine outside the restaurant before entering but of course, you can order more once you are inside the restaurant. Each person must at least order one ramen dish (but I am sure they won't mind for some cases <.<). The restaurants also offer mini-size ramen so that visitors can try out different ramen.

The first restaurant we tried was the Taihou Ramen (from Fukuoka region). We ordered two mini-size ramen and gyoza (pot stickers). They serve tonkotsu (pork-based) ramen, which broth are usually thick and creamy. I am not a fan of pork because of the smell but I usually don't mind eating tonkotsu ramen. However, this ramen is definitely not for me. The moment we step into the restaurant, I can smell the pork flavor. The pork flavor is very strong even my Sis commented on it. If you are a fan of tonkotsu ramen, I am sure you'll want to try this. One thing I can comment on is the noodles, they were cooked just right. I finished off the noodles and left the pork for my Sis.

Next is the Ganjya Tsukemen (from Saitama region) which was recently open in 2010. It was one of the restaurants with longer queue. D= They serve shoyu (soy sauce) ramen. We ordered two mini-size tsukemen with egg and extra chashu (barbecued pork). It was absolutely delicious! We love the thick noodles and the lean, chuncky chashu. The soup is just perfect for dipping, flavorful, not too thick nor too thin. And just look at the egg! Wished we had ordered the full size ones. Highly recommend this!

Ramen fan, you'll definitely have to visit the museum. It was a fun (and not to mention informational) experience for us.


  1. how i wish i could go to japan! its been a long time since you bake/post! what have you been busy with? =p

  2. Jess, I miss baking so much! I only bake when I am back in my hometown and lately I haven't been going back. D=
    This weekend I shall bake >D (hope I don't feel too lazy then). Saw your macaroons...so tempted to try them...

  3. Oh wow, I'm drooling over the ramen photos! I am a super fan of ramen and so are my family. Hopefully we will have a chance to visit Yokohama next time, thanks for the tip!

  4. Japan is one of the most beautiful country to visit. This is one of my favourite country besides of Europe. Thanks for taking us along. Hope you're having a great dya.
    Cheers, Kristy

  5. I am drooling over the ramen, I miss the ramen in Japan.

  6. JET! its been ages since i last saw you! where have you been!


Thank you for stopping by. ^^