Sunday, July 10, 2011

My First Macarons!!!

No fillings. =P
Chocolate Macarons (shells only)
Recipe shared by Daily Delicious

110 g
Icing sugar
65 g
Ground almonds
13 g
Dutch cocoa

60 g
Egg whites, at room temp
20 g
Caster sugar
A pinch
Cream of tartar

1.     Sift icing sugar, almonds and cocoa through a fine sieve, pushing mixture through with a wooden spoon; this will help to make a smooth macaron.
2.     Using an electric mixture, whisk egg whites until foamy. Add cream of tartar, whisk to combine and add caster sugar a little at a time. Whist to firm soft peaks.
3.     Stir in almond mixture, in three or four additions. When all the dry ingredients are incorporated; the mixture will look like a cake batter.
4.     Spoon mixture into a piping bag fitted with nozzle (5mm). Pipe (or spoon) mixture into 2.5cm rounds onto baking paper.
5.     After piping all the macarons, lift the baking sheet with both hands and then bang it down on the counter. This is to get rid of the air bubbles.
6.     Set aside for 1 hour or until the surface is no longer sticky to light touch.
7.     Preheat oven to 150°C. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until firm to touch.
8.      Remove from oven and cool on trays. Slide a knife under each macaron to release from paper.
9.      Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week or until ready to assemble.


  1. Congratulations, they look awesome!

  2. Look perfect! Excellent for a first timer!

  3. 1st attempt!
    Hard to believe. They look perfect!


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