Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cream Cheese Tarts

Had a few blocks of cream cheese left in the fridge (bought a lot when it went on sale) and I decided to make some cheese tarts (one of my Mum’s favorite). Browsed through my collection of recipes and found a few recipes for cheese tarts. I simply pick one to try. Not sure where I got the recipe from…if anyone seen the same/similar recipe, do tell me, so I can credit that person.

The recipe makes about 20 tarts but since Mum is the only one that eats cheese tarts in the family, I halved the recipe.

Original recipe:


Tart shell

Butter                  120 g (I used less butter)

Sugar                   60 g (I reduced the sugar used)

Egg yolk              1

Superfine flour     250 g

Cream cheese filling

Cream cheesecheese      180 g

Butter                             20 g (I used less butter)

Caster sugar                   30 g

Egg                                1

Lemon juice                   ½ tsp (omitted)


Tart Shells

1.      Cream butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy, add yolk, and finally add flour. Knead the dough by hand.
2.      Scale the dough and divide it.
3.      Push the dough using hand evenly to the mould. Then, make holes at the base using a fork.
4.      Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or until golden brown.
5.      Gently tap the mold to release the shell and leave it aside to cool completely.
I get 8 tart shells from the recipe.

I think I made the tart shells a bit too thick.

Cream Cheese Filling

  1. Cream cheese, butter, and sugar until smooth and fluffy, add egg and continue to beat till smooth.
  2. 1Then, add lemon juice. Mix well. (I added a teaspoon of milk)
  3. Fill the tarts with the cream cheese and add a little jam of choice. Draw using a toothpick.
  4. Bake in 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove and leave it to cool. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

I did not have enough cream cheese filling but I was too lazy to make more.

I added strawberry jam.
I fail at making nice swirly patterns.

1 comment:

  1. looks nicely done! I have not tried making tart yet, too lazy :P.


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